Photographs by J.W.Sutherland
Film No.180: Germany 1970
J.W.Sutherland Collection index
MLS website
ws180-01: 31.08.70 Rottweil. 078 453 on 12.18 Tuebingen-Rottweil.
ws180-02: 31.08.70 Rottweil.
ws180-03: 31.08.70 Rottweil. 051 033
ws180-04: 31.08.70 Rottweil. 050 202
ws180-05: 31.08.70 Rottweil. 078 453
ws180-06: 31.08.70 Rottweil. 044 463 leaving on southbound goods
ws180-07: 31.08.70 Rottweil. 078 453 on 16.10 to Horb
ws180-08: 31.08.70 Between Rottweil and Horb. 078 453
ws180-09: 31.08.70 Between Rottweil and Horb. 078 453
ws180-10: 31.08.70 Between Rottweil and Horb crossing at Epfendorf
ws180-11: 31.08.70 Epfendorf. Diesel on D566 Stuttgart - Reggio de Calabria
ws180-12: 31.08.70 Horb. 038 711 with car and load of rails
ws180-13: 31.08.70 Horb. Early evening. 038 711
ws180-14: 01.09.70 Crailsheim. 023 086 on 12.15 arrival from Lauda. train taken on towards Stuttgart by 023 029
ws180-15: 01.09.70 Crailsheim. 023 074 dep 12.30 for Lauda. Train from Ulm
ws180-16: 01.09.70 Crailsheim. 023 074 on Ulm - Lauda train dep 12.30. 3bogie, 2 4-wheel carriages
ws180-17: 01.09.70 Crailsheim. 12.40 train to Ansbach,
ws180-18: 02.09.70 Nuernburg. Tram at Tiergarten, with trailer 1565
ws180-19: 02.09.70 Nuernburg Rbf. 86 216 - withdrawn
ws180-20: 02.09.70 Nuernburg Rbf. 61 104 - withdrawn
ws180-21: 02.09.70 Nuernburg Rbf. 086 035 returning to depot
ws180-22: 02.09.70 Nuernburg Rbf. 044 677.
ws180-23: 02.09.70 Nuernburg Rbf. 086 095.
ws180-24: 02.09.70 Nuernburg Rbf. 086 095 coming on to depot
ws180-25: 04.09.70 Lichtenfels. 001 008 on 11.31 to Hof.
ws180-26: 04.09.70 Lichtenfels. 001 008 on 11.31 to Hof. 3 cars, goods van, goods van.
ws180-27: 04.09.70 001 008 climbing beyond Neuenmarkt-Wissberg
ws180-28: 04.09.70 001 008 after Neuenmarkt-Wissberg on 11.31 Lichtenfels - Hof
ws180-29: 04.09.70 001 008 after Neuenmarkt-Wissberg on 11.31 Lichtenfels - Hof
ws180-30: 04.09.70 001 008 after Neuenmarkt-Wissberg on 11.31 Lichtenfels - Hof
ws180-31: 04.09.70 Muenchberg 001 008 on 11.31 Lichtenfels-Hof, 001 181 on D853 11.02 Nuernberg-Hof
ws180-32: 04.09.70 Arriving at Muenchberg. 001 168 on E658 Hof - Saarbruecken.
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J.W.Sutherland Collection index
Updated on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 21:59:08
Script written by Charlie Hulme for the Manchester Locomotive Society
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